Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Morning Movie: THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH (1955)

Nothing like starting the day off before heading out to work than with some Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch, my favorite film of hers. A family man (Tom Ewell) who fantasizes constantly about women meets the ultimate woman in Marilyn, who lives upstairs. So while his wife and son are away for the summer, he goes into overdrive trying to romance her. It's all in good fun because his bark is worse than his bite as he never really comes close to having an affair. But it does make for one great movie. Highly enjoyable! And MM just looks stunning in that white summer dress!


  1. Love that film! Really a marvellous way to start your day, Monty! Hope it lives up to that.. ;")

  2. Loved this movie when I covered it for My Month with Marilyn...I felt so bad it took me this long to see it.
