Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A weird dream about Ann Sheridan...

As most of my readers know, my dreams tend to be about movies. Haven't had a dream in awhile until last night. And it was a beaut. It was during the middle of the day and I was home, watching TV. My wife was not there but my three dogs were. I hear a knock on the door and I open it to find Ann Sheridan there. I was stunned. She asked if I was me, and I said yes and invited her in. She had on a long flowing black dress and walked in and my dogs came running out. Now they are very friendly but will bark if they don't know you. Which they did but Ann just gave them this serious glare and they all wimpered off. Then she asked about my blogs and stuff. And asked why was I the only who didn't write a post for her recent blogathon. I was like I didn't even know there was one for her going on. Then she went ballistic...saying things like "Oh what I can't have a blogathon? What I'm not worthy like Bette or Kate?" I said oh no Ms. Sheridan, you definitely should have one. My only excuse for not doing it was I guess I was so busy with all my blogs and other blogs I contribute to. She said well to fix it right now but writing a post right then and there. With her watching me. It made me very uncomfortable, but I did it. And she read it and liked it. And then the dream kind of faded out and I woke up. What was really strange is that I didn't recently see one of her films or had been posting about her. If it had been Anne Baxter, who is my star of the month, I could understand, but Ann Sheridan just came out of nowhere. Just wanted to share another one of my wild and crazy dreams.


  1. Monty - this is a message from beyond!! So - when you decide to host the Ann Sheridan Oomph Girl Blogathon count me in as her number one entry! Ann is one of my all time favorites!!!! (are you reading this, Annie? I don't want you haunting my dreams).

  2. Looking good Monty! Loving the blog!

  3. Either you have been blogging too much, or you have just received the inspiration for a new blogathon. If you have a Sheridan event, I will be the first in line Monty. She is one of my favorites.

  4. Blogging definitely influences dreams. Yours are becoming incredibly classy!

  5. You've definitely had a sign from Ann.

  6. Monty, I think it a sign.. When is the Ann Sheridan blogathon?

  7. Strange, Monty. When I dream of my husband, George, much more exciting things happen.

  8. Dreams are such weird things!! I've had dreams about William Holden...but he has never asked me to host a blogathon for him.

    Anyhow, I think Ann has a great idea. You can count me in!
