Saturday, June 2, 2012

Another cinematic world tour post....from fellow blogger Whistlingypsy

Just wanted to let everyone know that Whistlingypsy of Distant Voices and Flickering Shadows has just wrote her contribution piece to the Cinematic World Tour blogathon. Her destination is Rome and the film she chose is Rome Adventure (1962) starring Suzanne Pleshette, Angie Dickinson and Troy Donahue. And I think it is a wonderful post. She really outdid herself with it. I had mentioned to her that I recorded this film last summer on TCM and that it promptly has sat unwatched in my movie cabinet. But after reading her terrific post, oh I'm gonna watch me some Rome Adventure this weekend. Please go to her blog to check out this amazing piece.
distant-voicesandflickering-shadows/cinematic-world-tour-bella-roma .

1 comment:

  1. I am popping over to read her piece, but I just had to tell you that you are not alone on having things unwatched in your DVR. I finally watched and recorded something to disc which had been sitting there since December 2010!! Even now, I have about 50 movies waiting to be watched.

    So many little time to watch them all.
