Monday, June 25, 2012

From Jean Arthur to Rita Hayworth

When I make out the schedule for my classic movie goddesses it is very random. No particular order. As everyone knows Jean was my goddess for June and coming in July will be Rita Hayworth. While researching for facts I came across some things that links the two of them together and wanted to share them right quick. Firstly, they both happen to share the same birthday of October 17. Different years but the same day. And since Jean started making movies much earlier than Rita, she was a star first. But when her popularity started to wane, she was replaced by Rita as Columbia Picture's top female star. So that's the connection to these two wonderful leading ladies. I love how some things lead to something else. Hope everyone has a fantastic start to this new week!


  1. Love Jean Arthur and I love Rita Hayworth. Makes it fun to move from one favorite right into another. Thanks

  2. I'm really looking forward to next month..
