Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Childhood Crushes #4 - Shelley Fabares

I was around 13 or so when Nick and Nite was re-airing the classic 50's sitcom, The Donna Reed Show. And while Donna Reed was the star and she was awesome, I was tuning in to watch the actress who played her daughter Mary. It was Shelley Fabares and she very cute. And funny. I remember her constant arguments with her brother Jeff (played by Carl Petersen) always had me laughing. Checking her age on IMDB it appears Shelley was the same age as me when she started on The Donna Reed Show. So we could have dated...well in my dreams anyway.

Around the same time, the sitcom One Day At A Time was airing and she had a role on it as Francine Webster. She was about 25 years older but I was still the same age. That's the screwy thing about syndication right. Anyway I still had a major crush on her. And flash forward to the 90's and we have her in another sitcom..this one called Coach. Still crushing on her big time.

It wasn't until years later that I caught some of her movies that she made, particularly movies of the 60's. Such as Ride The Wild Surf (1964) and couple of Elvis Presley movies, Spinout (1966) and Clambake (1967). Either in movies or TV, Shelley Fabares was a major crush of mine during my teen years.


  1. love her. Great that you like her that much..

  2. I think she is very cute actress...

  3. Mary's brother Jeff was played by Paul Petersen....Carl Betz played her father.
