Sunday, June 10, 2012

Personal Quotes by Jean Arthur

Here are some personal quotes by my classic movie goddess for the month..Jean Arthur:
Why yes this is want some quotes from me?

It's a strenuous job every day of your life to live up to the way you look on the screen.
I guess I became an actress because I didn't want to be myself.
If people don't like your work, all the still pictures in the world can't help you and nothing written about you, even oceans of it, will make you popular.
(on doing interviews) Quite frankly, I'd rather have my throat slit.

I bumped into every kind of disappointment, and was frustrated at every turn. Roles promised me were given to other players, pictures that offered me a chance were shelved, no one was particularly interested in me, and I had not developed a strength of personality to make anyone believe I had special talents. I wanted so desperately to succeed that I drove myself relentlessly, taking no time off for pleasures, or for friendships - yet aiming at the stars, I was still floundering.
[on her early acting days] My very "naturalness" was my undoing. I had to learn that to appear natural on the screen requires a vast amount of training, that is the test of an actor's art. It would be more spectacular if I could say that out of the hurt and humiliation of that failure was born a determination to success, to prove I had the makings of an actress. But it wouldn't be true. That urge came later.

[on her first marriage, which only lasted a day] Julian [Julian Anckner] looked a lot like Abraham Lincoln, and that's probably why I fell in love with him. One day we were out driving and he suddenly said, "Hey, why don't we get married?" So we lied about our ages and got married in a sheriff's office. You should have heard our families' reactions - all sorts of screaming and shouting and carrying on about suicide. Well, neither Julian nor I had enough income to make it possible for us to live together, so our marriage lasted one day.
[on making Only Angels Have Wings (1939)] I loved sinking my head into Cary Grant's chest.
[1977 comment on Gary Cooper] I loved working with Gary Cooper. Gary was my favorite. He was so terrific-looking, and so easy to work with.
A great looking couple..don't you think?
Quotes supplied by IMDB

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