Sunday, February 3, 2013

Top Movie Cops - a new series

I love cop movies. From the classics to the modern films. The police procedural. The cop buddy film. The cop undercover film. All kinds. So I thought it would be cool to do a weekly feature on what I think are some of the best movie cops. And since Bruce Willis is returning as John McClane for the fifth time in Today Is A Good Day To Die Hard..on Valentine's Day no less, I thought his character would be the perfect cop to begin with. I will alternate between classic and modern cop characters every week. So let's get to it shall we..

Our introduction to John McClane..the calm before the storm

Name: John McClane
Occupation: Lieutenant Detective, NYPD
First appearance: Die Hard (1998)
Number of films: 5 (inlcuding A Good Day To Die Hard in February 2013)
Family: Holly Gennero (ex-wife): two children: Lucy and Jack
Enemies: Hans Gruber (Die Hard), Simon Gruber (Die Hard With a Vengeance), Thomas Gabriel (Live Free or Die Hard)
Friends: Sgt. Al Powell (Die Hard), Zeus Carver (Die Hard With A Vengeance)

on the job..taking on terrorists

History and Timeline: New York cop John McClane visits his estranged wife Holly on Christmas eve at her workplace, Nakotomi Plaza in Los Angeles for a Christmas celebration. But a band of terrorists led by Hans Gruber crash the party and it's up to McClane to save the day. Two years later, he would be at Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. awaiting his wife's plane when terrorists strike there and he once again must leap into action. Several years pass before we see McClane again. This time back working for the NYPD and now separated from Holly. He has to deal with Hans Gruber's brother Simon who has placed bombs all over New York City and McClane along with Harlem shop keeper Zeus must defuse. That was in 1995. Flash forward 12 years to 2007 and McClane is sent on a simple task of picking up computer hacker Matt Farrell for questioning for the FBI when once again terrorists strike and shut down the nation's computer systems. McClane is set to return for a 5th time with the upcoming A Good Day To Die Hard, as he visits Russia to help his son, a CIA operative track some thieves who plan on hijacking some nuclear weapons.

Just hanging out

Abilities: McClane is street smart and very inventive when under duress. More of a everyday fighter with no real particular fighting skills ala karate or judo. Handy with all kinds of firearms. Is a licensed pilot. And quite the talker. Known for wise-cracks in grim situations. Catch-phrase is yippy ki yay mother@#$%!

Taking no chances
Playing a game of Simon Says as Zeus looks on
The current McClane..a little older, less hair but still kicking ass


  1. I only really liked the first Die Hard. Interesting series idea, though.

  2. Great series idea! Am really looking forward to seeing more of these movie cops. Thumbs up!

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