Friday, December 6, 2013

MacEddy fans rejoice!

Nothing like a little celebratory cake....

It's official...Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald are the favorite classic screen couple after defeating favored couple Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers by the count of 85-31 in the final match of the favorite classic screen couple tourney. MacEddy, as they are affectionately known by their fans defied odds all tourney long after they kept knocking off perennial revered couples such as Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn and William Powell and Myrna Loy. Maybe now more classic film lovers will see how popular MacEddy were and still are to this day. And their names can be said along with those other greats with just as much importance and love. The fans of MacEddy showed up and supported the couple from the first round of this tourney and kept the mojo going through it all, finally taking down Fred and Ginger. Thanks to all those who voted and I loved teaming up with my great friend Desiree to put on this cool tourney!


  1. Yay for underdogs! I gotta pass this on to all the MacEddy people. They'll be ecstatic!

  2. It's great to see Jeanette and Nelson way at the top where they belong. I hope they know how much we still adore them.

  3. Hi Monty! I'm glad to be back after being away, and I look forward to more of your wonderful contests. I have to say I'm amazed that Astaire/Rogers were beat out by Jeanette and Nelson! I've never really been a big fan of theirs, and adore Astaire/Rogers. Well, you never know, do you? LOL! Have a Happy New Year!

  4. Dear Monty,

    Greetings from the Pure Entertainment Preservation Society! This is a very interesting idea for a tournament. I am a great fan of Jeanette and Nelson, and I am very glad that they won. I definitely prefer them to Fred and Ginger, since they were just more romantic! Since you are also a fan of this great team, I would like to invite you to join PEPS's upcoming blogathon!

    I, Rebekah Brannan, have not participated much in the blog world in the past, but I intend to become more involved now.

    I would like very much for you to participate in my upcoming blogathon, The Singing Sweethearts Blogathon, which will be my first real participation in PEPS. This blogathon, which will be hosted around Valentine’s Day, is celebrating the famous singing team Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy.

    You can read the rules of the blogathon at: If you want to join, please comment and tell me your topic, if you have chosen one. I hope you’ll join me in honoring this brilliant team and the holiday of love!


    Rebekah Brannan
