Thursday, April 3, 2014

Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth that's a FINAL FOUR!

The Elite 8 matches just wrapped up and we now have our final four set. And what a final four it is. Barbara Stanwyck, Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor. Wow! You couldn't have asked for a better foursome. But it wasn't easy, especially for Davis and Hepburn. Here's the complete wrap up of their stellar matches.

30'S ERA CHAMPION: Barbara Stanwyck

In the 30's era, it was Barbara Stanwyck (a pre-tourney number 1 seed) out-lasting Myrna Loy 51-43. Since the previous tourney champions have all come out of the 30's era and Babs made it all the way to the 30's era championship match last year  before losing to eventual champion Carole Lombard, she was a heavy favorite to win it all this year. But Myrna gave her some serious competition before Babs was finally able to pull away.

40'S ERA CHAMPION: Bette Davis

In the 40's era, Bette Davis stormed out of the gate and jumped out to big lead over Olivia de Havilland before Livvie made a charge. de Havilland was down by as many as 10 votes before she made a rally only to fall short by one vote, 35-34. Due to Kristen's class running late the poll remained up after the official cut off time and Livvie actually tied up the match. But we called the match over at 6 pm declaring Bette the winner. So Bette heads back to the final four for the second consecutive year. Great showing by Olivia though! Damn great showing!

50'S ERA CHAMPION: Audrey Hepburn

Doris Day was looking for a return trip to the final four as she and Audrey Hepburn had one of the best matches of the tourney. They had multiple lead changes before Audrey managed to pull away slightly on the last day to win 65-60. On Doris Day's birthday no less. Ouch! So Audrey earns her first trip to the final four!

60'S ERA CHAMPION: Elizabeth Taylor

And in the 60's era, it was fantastic news for Elizabeth Taylor. This was her first year competing in this era as she normally competes in the 50's era. But we decided to move her to the 60's due to her two Oscar wins during that decade. It paid off for Liz as she defeated Natalie Wood 41-27. It was a lopsided loss for Natalie as she normally dominates in her matches. In fact her 27 votes is the lowest amount out of these four matches. Seems her fans just disappeared when Natalie needed them the most.

So the final four is now set and as tradition, the 30's era champion will face the 50's era champion while the 40's era champion meets the 60's era champion. Which means Barbara Stanwyck vs Audrey Hepburn while Bette Davis will face Elizabeth Taylor. The matches will begin on Saturday right here on All Good Things and run through Wednesday evening. I will write a post tomorrow detailing these sure to be thrilling matches. Thanks to Desiree, Kristen and John for their help once again in helping me put together another great tourney!


  1. ...a solid quartet, no doubt... but something tells me Babs is in the driver's seat, although AH got the largest # of votes... I'll promote the FF on G-ology - hope it brings in the voters!!!

    Great work, Monte!


  2. This But I cant go past Stanwyck or Davis on this one
