Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Halloween Week with some Hitchcock and other treats...

I happen to have the good fortune of being off this week from my job so after I take care of my responsibilities, such as finally cleaning out our shed and doing yard work, I plan to have a mini festival of scary movies this week. The timing couldn't have been better since Halloween is Saturday. I have been watching horror movies this month anyway but now I can really let loose. I plan to start with the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, because I own several of his films on DVD. They are Psycho, Vertigo, The Lady Vanishes, To Catch A Thief, The Birds, and Rear Window. All classics. I also plan to watch 1982's The Thing, the original Halloween, Alien, Jaws, The Exorcist, and maybe a few others. This is a great time of the year to be a movie lover.


  1. From the sounds of it, and the movies listed, I'd say you were about to enjoy yourself.

  2. Thanks Don. And so far I have.
