Friday, November 20, 2009

12 Angry Men - It doesn't get any better than this

The definition of a classic film. First, let me give you the role call of this stellar cast. Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, E.G. Marshall, Jack Klugman, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam and a few others. This riveting drama takes place in a juror chamber as 12 men decide the verdict on a murder case. All the evidence seems to point to the young teen being guilty but Henry Fonda rises and states a reasonable doubt and begins to sway the others decisions. At times humorous, but mostly deadly serious. Fonda gives a casual but intense performance. Cobb is off the scale as Fonda's main rival. His final speech as to why the teen is guilty is ACTING 101. And the others also give solid performances. Even if you don't care for B&W movies, I urge you to see this film. It's one of the best ever made.

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Juror #8: It's always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth. I don't really know what the truth is. I don't suppose anybody will ever really know. Nine of us now seem to feel that the defendant is innocent, but we're just gambling on probabilities - we may be wrong. We may be trying to let a guilty man go free, I don't know. Nobody really can. But we have a reasonable doubt, and that's something that's very valuable in our system. No jury can declare a man guilty unless it's SURE. We nine can't understand how you three are still so sure. Maybe you can tell us.

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