Monday, November 16, 2009

Modern Film Favorite-The Proposal is accepted

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Hilarious comedy and Sandra Bullock's best film in years. She plays a high maintenance book editor who is on the verge of being deported back to her homeland of Canada. So she quickly forces her assistant Andrew (played by Ryan Reynolds) to marry her. Well when an immigration officer finds out, he wants to make sure this is for real, so the duo ends up going to Andrew's home in Alaska to prepare for their wedding. Of course his family is in shock and all kinds of hilarity ensues. It reminded me of those old Cary Grant films from the 40's with a dash of more sex talk. Bullock and Reynolds make a great team and have wonderful chemistry together. A solid supporting cast which includes Mary Steenburgen, Malin Akerman, craig T. Nelson and the always funny Betty White as Andrew's grandma. The Proposal is a great romantic comedy that everyone will enjoy. Trust me when Sandra busts out some dance moves to DJ Rob Base It Takes Two you will be hooked.
Margaret Tate: I am not getting in that boat!
Andrew Paxton: Fine, see you in three days.
Margaret Tate: You know I can't swim!
Andrew Paxton: Hence... the *boat*.

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