Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Classic Movie Goddess Of The Week - Virgina Mayo Part 2

Here are some facts and notes on Virgina plus some of her personal quotes on her co-stars:

Nickname: Ginny
Height: 5'5"
Spouse: Michael O'Shea (1947 - December 3, 1973 his death) 1 child

Was slightly cross-eyed and had to be carefully photographed.

Early on, using her real name of Virginia Jones, she played a straight woman in vaudeville for four years to a performing horse act. The "horse" was comprised of two men known as the Mayo Brothers; hence her stage name.

1 child - Catherine (born 1953)

Was Paul Newman's first on-screen leading lady, in the Biblical Epic The Silver Chalice (1954).

In Italy, most of her films were dubbed by Dhia Cristiani although at the beginning of her career Rosetta Calavetta, Lidia Simoneschi and Rina Morelli also occasionally lent their voice to her.

Personal Quotes

[on Jack Palance] I must say Jack Palance was a drag. We were together in "The Silver Chalice." The way he did his work was strange. He was a weird actor and I didn't like working with him at all.

[on Doris Day] I loved working with her. We used to call her Miss Sparkle Plenty because she was so vivacious.

[on James Cagney] Jimmy Cagney was the most dynamic man who ever appeared on the screen. He should have won five Oscars, he was so fabulous. He stimulated me to such an extent. I must say that I didn't have to act very much; I just had to react to him because he was so powerful.

[on Alan Ladd] And I worked with Alan Ladd, who along with Gregory Peck was my favorite leading man. He was a beautiful man, charming and gentle, and I think of all my leading men he worked best with me.


  1. I love the quote about Cagney. Judging from the energy he radiates on screen, I can believe that a co-star would find that power contagious. You can especially see that with the give-and-take he had with Joan Blondell.

  2. Love the first shot
