Sunday, January 3, 2010

Visiting Family in West Virgina

Forgot to tell everyone I would be away from home, visiting family in West Virgina. Well I was on my way back home on Saturday when I had an accident on the interstate. My car hit a patch of ice, I spun out of control and hit the wall. Did some damage to front of the vehicle but it's still driveable. Same thing happened with my wife except her car was severely damaged. We were both unharmed though. Waiting for her insurance company to check out her vehicle and for the weather to be a little better before coming home. She was gonna stay an extra week and that's why we took two cars. But we're ok and that's the important thing. I miss all of you guys that are following my blogs and will be back at it soon. Did want to remind classic movie fans that TCM is airing several of Jane Wyman's movies on Monday Jan 4th starting at 6am. She is one of my favorite actresses. Check her out if you can.

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