Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Guest Programmers

Starting next month I would love to have everyone chime in with their choices as to what films they would present to viewers ala TCM's Guest Programmer monthly selections. TCM usually lets the person choose 4 main films and sometimes a bonus film. So let's make it 5 choices that you would show to friends, co-workers, family, anyone as to represent your favorite personal movies. And they don't have to be the the big classic well known films. They can be the smaller, lesser known films no one has heard of. Just shoot me an email at with your choices and I will post them on my blogs, adding some photos and such. And if you could, give a little description as to why you chose these particular films. I guess I need to post my choices as well. I will do that my the end of the day. Talk to everyone later.

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