Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rio Bravo is my favorite western of all time....

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My favorite western of all time. A slam bang film which has John Wayne as Sheriff John T. Chance who has a murderer locked up in the jail and must withstand repeated attempts to free the bad guy. It's a whole posse of hired thugs and all Chance has is an old crippled deputy and another deputy Dude (played by Dean Martin) trying to stay sober. Chance eventually gets more help in the form of bad girl turned good (Angie Dickinson) and a young hotshot named Colorado (Ricky Nelson) who is quick with his mouth and his gun. This is how you make a great western. Terrific heroes, evil bad guys, rousing action, and frequent humor. All involved give solid performances especially Martin, Nelson, and Dickinson. Of course, The Duke is awesome as usual.

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Pat Wheeler: I told him you were one of the best.
Colorado Ryan: Well, I'll tell you what I'm a lot better at, Mr. Wheeler... that's minding my own business.


  1. Im sorry, but I couldn't get past the casting of Ricky Nelson and Dean Martin, miscast in my opinion. I don't get why this is one of Tarantino's favorite films.

  2. You may enjoy knowing that our dog's name is Chance. Yes, we love the movie! :) Martin & Nelson make the movie for me...the scene where they are singing in the jailhouse is one of my favorites. All-around perfection!

    Best wishes,

  3. Monty,
    One of my favorite lines:
    After Carlos has a quarrel with Consuela.

    John T. Chance: You take chances, my friend.
    Carlos Robante: Because I know woman. If she will be mad or she will be sorry - if it is 'mad', she will be much pleasure to make right; and if she is 'sorry', it will be the same pleasure. You... you do not have women, so you do not know, senor. But me... Carlos Robante... I know!

  4. Rio Bravo is my favorite western, as well. My wife's too! You haven't lived until you've heard a 5'3" redhead from Philadelphia do an imitation of Walter Brennan ...
