Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Unbelievable poll results about Grace Kelly

There was a recent poll on IMDB that asked what is your favorite Grace Kelly role? There were 12 choices including her Lisa Fremont from Rear Window; Amy Fowler Kane from High Noon; Frances Stevens from To Catch A Thief; and Georgie Elgin from The Country Girl. One choice gave the option of picking too many great performances to choose from. Out of nearly 7500 votes, 3116 people chose Lisa Fremont or 41% of the vote. Which is no surprise, the shocker is the author had a choice that says I am not familiar with Grace Kelly's work. 2047 people picked that option. An unbelievable 27% people stated they had no clue as to Grace's film history. Are you kidding me? That just blew my mind. Anyway I thought that was an interesting piece of information to pass along.


  1. Great post! I have never been a huge Grace Kelly fan, but did love her in Rear Window. Hope you are doing well friend! Kori xoxo

  2. Monty, Wow!! that is a surprise..
