Saturday, September 25, 2010

All Good Things In October

I kick off October on All Good Things with a different approach for my classic movie goddess of the month. I will focus on the lovely women who made films for the Hammer Films studio. I will choose one actress a week and post reviews of the films I have seen of her and photos. I just finished reading the book called Hammer Glamour and it was all about the women of Hammer films, and it featured over 50 actresses. So this will be a long running series every October. I know my friend Matthew Coniam over at Carfax Abbey will be intrigued by this idea as he has a terrific blog that you must check out. Anyway, the actresses will be random so I don't know what four will be done first. Also I will list my Top 10 Favorite Hitchcock films. My guest blogger will be my friend KC. And I hope to post a review of a classic horror film each day. So I will be quite busy blogging next month. Hope you can check it out.


  1. I'm looking forward to being your guest Monty. Thanks for having me!

  2. Awesome! That sounds terrific! I am dying for october to start!

  3. Monty, Sounds like you have a great month planned!
