Wednesday, October 20, 2010

All Good Things in November

After seeking out new friends and bloggers to be my guest in November, I realized that I could do myself so people would find out more things about me. Most everyone knows my favorite actress is Carole Lombard and my favorite actor is Cary Grant. And my all time favorite film is His Girl Friday. But there is a lot more stuff I could tell you about myself. So next month I will be the featured guest on my own blog. Kinda weird, but still ok I guess. I think everyone will get a kick out of it. It will also allow me to tweak the questions a little bit, either expand on the ones listed or add some new ones. The featured classic movie goddess of the month will be Ginger Rogers. And I will cross over my posts of her with Dawn over at Singing and Dancing Back In Time. I will continue my new series Box Office Attractions which focuses on classic stars and their box office popularity. And also my If It's Tuesday, Then It Must Be Grace Kelly series, which started out as a whim but has grown into something special. Plus the usual reviews and photos and anything else I can think of. I hope everyone can visit All Good Things in November a few times or at least once. I think you will enjoy it.


  1. I love the idia of xou being your own guest. I'd like to read YOUR answers!! :")

  2. Monty, I am really looking forward to seeing what posts you come up with for Nov. I'm slow, I'm still working on OCT. :)
