Wednesday, January 26, 2011

All Good Things in February

Ah, the month of love. Who better than Vivien Leigh to be my classic movie goddess. I will be posting about Viv all month long with photos, facts and reviews of her films. My friend Debbie will be my guest for the month and Leigh happens to be one of her favorite actresses. Hopefully Debbie will shed some light on that subject of why Viv is one of her faves. Me and Dawn will be focusing on Great Screen Couples across our shared blogs. So look forward to posts on legendary couples such as Hepburn/Tracy, Bogie/Bacall, Powell/Loy and lots more. And I believe that me and that wonderful great new friend of mine, Irene Palfy of And Then They Start To Sparkle, will be doing some type of cross-over between our two blogs. I don't know what that will entail yet but knowing  Irene, it should be something wild and crazy and fun. And in honor of Liz Taylor's birthday, I will be ranking my top 10 favorite screen performances of hers. So expect great things here on All Good Things in February. See ya soon.


  1. Sounds exciting Monty. Looking forward to the series.

  2. hihihi - thank you! ;")

    And: I'd love to see which are your Top Ten of Miss Taylor!! :")
