Talking about movies, movies, movies. I believe movies are one of the best pleasures in life. Nothing better than watching a classic film and talking with others about them. Love the classics the most but will also talk about the newer stuff too. And covering all genres: comedy, action, horror, sci-fi, drama, musicals, etc. Will also discuss TV shows, more of the classics, but occasionally the newer stuff too. And anything else that might be on my mind. Feel free to drop by and have a chat.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Poll Started
I have a new poll all ready to go and I asked my classic movie goddess for the month to handle the introduction. I ask the question how many movies do you watch in a given week. Not just classic movies, but all kinds of movies. I used to watch on average 2 a day, so that would have been about 16 for me in a week, give or take. Now with things being so busy, especially during the week, I may watch 1 a day during the work week and at least 3 or 4 on the week-end. But when I'm off from work, I can easily watch 5 in one day. So it varies for me. Anyway there are 4 different answers everyone can choose from and the poll will be up for 2 weeks.
Great idea for a poll, monty!