Thursday, February 17, 2011


March Madness (Classic Movie Goddess style) is less than two weeks away. And I'm busy whittling down the final selections to 64. Why 64 you ask? Because it's the perfect number that you can continually break down by two all the way to one. Unless you go with 32, but that's not nearly enough for all the actresses involved or go with 128 which is way too many. So I settled on 64 just like the college basketball's tournament, which means a lot of actresses are going to be left out. But if this tournament is well liked I plan on doing more every so often, focusing on different groups: such as actors, supporting actors, directors, etc. I broke down the actresses into 4 groups: I combined the silent era with the 1930's; the 1940's; the 1950's; and the 1960's. There will be 16 women per section and I'm currently ranking them 1 to 16 based on their popularity, success, award achievements, and acting prowess. I've got the top actress of each group selected and is still working on the rest. For the silent/30's era the number actress (or seed if you will) is Greta Garbo. For the 40's era it is Bette Davis. For the 50's era is Audrey Hepburn. And for the 60's era it is Doris Day. Once I have all 64 actresses chosen, they will be paired up in matches and I will have the voting take place on my sidebar. So the first round will have 8 matches taking place. I will start with the silent/30's era for the first week beginning on Monday, February 28th until the final actress is left standing. And then week 2 will be for the 40's era, week 3 for the 50's and week 4 for the 60's. You will have two days to vote for each round so please come by and vote quickly. And then the final four to determine the most popular actress will begin on March 28th. Two days for each semi-final match and then the final match beginning on April 1st. I will let that match run 3 days so I can crown the champion on Monday. If all that sounds confusing, it will become much clearer once the tournament actually starts. I don't know about anyone else, but this sounds exciting and I can't wait for it to begin. So if you don't care for basketball's March Madness, stop by here for All Good Things version and hopefully you will enjoy it. The countdown begins now. Below are the top 4 women pre-selected by be.


  1. This promises to be fun -- and oh, by the way, is electioneering for this on other sites allowed? (From my avatar, you can probably guess whom I'll be lobbying for.) If the answer to the question is yes, you can be certain plenty of actress fan blogs will give you a plug. (And isn't that one of the reasons for doing this?)

    BTW, my word verification was "brownl." They forgot the "ow"...

  2. This sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait for voting to begin!

  3. I'll be voting. I'll give you a plug when it starts.

    My money's on Ohio State. No, wait, wrong tournament ...

  4. VP81955, go ahead and plug away. The more the merrier and me and you are on the same page as Carole is my main girl and I hope she wins it all. But this being a tournament anything can happen and anyone can win. So we'll see.

    Oh and mythical monkey, my team is Duke in that other little tournament.

  5. Monty, I'm working on a plug for your March Madness poll, over on N and CF. Please look for it next week. :)

  6. Thank you Dawn. Seems like interest is picking up on this. And is it or me or does Greta Garbo have her game face on or what? She looks serious and ready for the competition.
