Thursday, March 17, 2011


Actress Sharon Farrell

Don't expect things to slow down on my blog for April. After my classic movie actress tournament winds down and I crown a champion on April 1st, I will keep things popping. First up will be a slight change for my classic movie goddess. I recently came into contact with actress Sharon Farrell through facebook and I was just going to do a spotlight on her in April but she has had such a varied and long career, I decided to make her my star actress of the month. My original choice Betty Grable will now be the star for January 2012. Sorry to all Betty fans, but who better to kick off the new year than Ms. Grable. My guest blogger will be Amanda from A Noodle in a Haystack. She will be answering some questions and talking about her favorites. Also I will be doing a cross-over with Irene from And Then They Start To Sparkle. I believe our theme will be films with fighting women, which is basically recalling films with noted confrontation scenes between women such as All ABout Eve, Destry Rides Again and Valley of the Dolls to name a few. We will critique and post pics and all kinds of random stuff about this fabulous theme. Oh and I was going to have a poll asking whether or not you guys would want to see another tournament in June this time focusing on the men. But since the women's was so successful and well liked, I figured that would be a no brainer. So expect a tourney starting in June featuring the guys. And finally expect the usual birthdays, reviews, photos that I do every month.

1 comment:

  1. I am anxious to do our cross-over - and on the other hand: I am frightened to death! ;")
