Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Congratulations to Irene Dunne!

Irene Dunne became the first actress to secure a spot in my Classic Movie Actress Final Four after a hard fought victory over Carole Lombard 58-43 in the silent/30's era bracket final. A total of 101 voters came by to vote in one of the more popular matches staged here for this March Madness tournament. It was heart-breaking for me to see Carole lose but everything was fair and square. And Dunnie, as my friend Renata likes to call her is a favorite of mine as well. So to have her in the final four is great. Now she has to wait and see who will be joining her from the other 3 eras.


  1. congratulations to my Dunnie!!

  2. I must admit to being surprised by this one. While I like Dunnie, as Renata says, I've never really known of other people who do. In fact, I'm thinking that on Net Flix reviews I see quite alot of complaining about her.

    Anyhow, as I've said before, Penny Serenade is in my top 5 or 6 movies, and I love her in that. Also, she's a scream in Life with Father. Her logic as to why they won't have to pay for the suit of clothes is hysterical. Oh, and Magnificent Obsession...I love her there too.

    Looking forward to seeing how my gal Bette fares against Esther this round. And the Gene Tierney/Greer Garson round was a killer for me.

  3. Patti, you'd be surprised. I know lots of people that just adore Irene and many of them are in their 20s (like me).

    But I have to say, I was surprised too cause I know Carole is more remembered nowadays and I was sure that she was going to win =)

  4. I'm really surprised that Irene won. When I voted it looked like Carole was way ahead. If it's any consolation Monty, most of the actresses I voted for in this round (1940s) are very far behind. So I'm prepared to see a few of my favorites lose...

  5. Aw shucks--I was rooting for Carole. I do love Irene though.

  6. Congrats, Dear Ms Dunne! Her version of "My Dreams Are Gone With the Wind" is one of the brightest comedic moments in film history.
