Monday, March 28, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Marlon Brando are favorites at my church

We have a weekly Monday meeting at my church with all the men to discuss things in the church and events going around the world. And it's rare that we talk about classic movies during these meetings. I figured I was the only classic movie lover there. But while we was waiting on other members to show up, we started a conversation that brought a smile to my face. I brought up the recent passing of Elizabeth Taylor and that opened up the floodgates. Everyone there loved Liz and the concensus favorite film of hers was Cleopatra. Mine is Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. We talked about her marriages and her relationship with Richard Burton. And it was a great discussion. That soon led to talk about Burton as well, as we all agreed that the man was powerhouse of an actor. One of his movies we talked about was The Robe and that got a big response from us all. That led to Marlon Brando and his performance in Julius Caesar. One of the older men of the church, who is in his 70's was very jubilant while talking about that movie as he would watch that film as a kid and pretended to be Mark Antony (Brando's role) walking around his home in bed sheets. We all got a laugh out of that one. It was an unexpected time I had tonight discussing classic movies and stars at church. Then we started on about church business. But the night was a success as far as I am concerned.


  1. Great story! Thanks for sharing. I love it when I discover fellow classic film fans in the most unexpected places. :)

  2. That's so neat, Monty. It's always such fun finding others that want to talk classic movies. It doesn't happen to me often...but I keep trying.

    The Robe is an Easter tradition for our family (Ben Hur too). Great movie...and Burton was fantastic in that role.

    Have a great day!

  3. Don't you love when you find other movie nerds where you didn't expect it! How could anyone not love Liz?!

  4. Monty, What a wonderful story.. It sounds like you have a great group of new classic movie friends. How Awesome is that?!!
