Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Things got off to a fantastic start with my classic movie actress tournament yesterday with over 20 voters stopping by for the first round within the first few hours. This opening round will conclude this evening at 8pm so I can tabulate the votes and I must say so there has been a few surprises. The biggest one being that Myrna Loy is just crushing Jean Harlow. On paper that looked like the most interesting and evenly matched pair, but with Loy leading 21 to 4, this match is pretty much over. Color me surprised on that one. My girl Carole Lombard is in a dogfight with Ginger Rogers and she barely leads 14 to 12. I am pulling for Carole to win but this one is going down to the wire. Things are pretty close between number 1 seed Greta Garbo and number 16 Gloria Swanson at 14 to 11 with Greta holding a three point edge. It's going to be interesting to see if Greta holds on to win or becomes a top seed knocked off after only the first round. It appears Swanson has just as many fans as Garbo, at least during this tournament. The one other close match is between Norma Shearer and Marion Davies, with Shearer leading 14 to 13. That's a little surprising as well. The other matches are blowouts and are pretty much over: Marlene Dietrich is destroying Mary Pickford 20 - 5; Barbara Stanwyck is huge over Joan Crawford 22 - 5; Claudette Colbert is easily winning over Louise Brooks 20 - 5; and Irene Dunne is comfortably winning over Clara Bow 19 - 8. So unless the losing ladies have a huge turnaround today, they will be sent home packing after the first one. I'm glad I had such a big voter turnout so far as this has been really fun to do. On to Day Two.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying this and I got my wife to vote, too. Like you, I thought Jean Harlow versus Myrna Loy was going to be close. Well, that's why they play the game.

    I'll be stopping by again tomorrow for more round one action.
