Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award Goes to Patti of They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To

Last month I received a Stylish Blogger award from my good friend Dawn of Noir & Chick Flick, among her many blogs that she does. I want to pass it along to one of my newest friends, Patti, at They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To. Her blog is a wonderful homage to all the great classic films and stars of yesterday. And she is a regular visitor to my blog so it makes sense to honor her with this Stylish Blogger Award. Plus she more than deserves it. So Patti here is your award and all you have to do is post about it on your blog, provide a link back to my blog and send it on to 7 more bloggers you think deserve it as well. Keep up the great work. And everyone please check out Patti's terrific blog. Here is the link:

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Monty, thanks for thinking of me and giving me this award. I'm glad you enjoy my blog and think it deserves such an award.

    I enjoy your blog's one of my favorites. Dawn was very right-on with giving the Stylish Blogger Award to you.

    Have a great day,
