Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bargain of the Day...

On Friday at Wal-mart while picking up a few things, I strolled by the movie section and saw that they had some movies on sale for $5 bucks a piece. And I couldn't believe it when they had these newly remastered Audrey Hepburn movies: Roman Holiday, Sabrina, Funny Face and Paris When It Sizzles. Four great movies. $20 dollars total. It worked out because I didn't own any of those Audrey movies before and now I have them in my collection. These four films were released in March of this year with the snazzy new cover designs and originally priced at $10 dollars each. So that was a great deal. No better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than with the fair Audrey Hepburn.


  1. Ooh, and 2 of those movies also star William Holden!!! What a fabulous bargain you got. Enjoy!!

  2. Wow, awesome :) I like Sabrina and Roman Holiday, and I've always wanted to see Funny Face.
