Monday, May 16, 2011

Be My Guest - Audrey (Fedoras and High Heels)

My guest for this month is Audrey of the wonderful blog Fedoras and High Heels. So without further delay, take it away Audrey.
1. Name your top 10 favorite classic movies actors/actresses.
This changes all the time, but for now I'll go with: Olivia de Havilland, Ginger Rogers, Robert Montgomery, Claudette Colbert, Dana Andrews, Joel McCrea, Ray Milland, Greer Garson, Jean Arthur, Audrey Hepburn. (This was hard!)
Olivia looking a little perplexed

2. Name at least 10 of your favorite films.
Mrs. Miniver, The More the Merrier, Since You Went Away, The Best Years of Our Lives, Random Harvest, The Snake Pit, Judgment at Nuremberg, Laura, It's a Wonderful Life, The Sound of Music…and SO many more! :)

3. Describe your first classic movie experience.
I grew up watching a lot of classic movies as a kid, so I don't know which was my first. My favorite movie as a young girl was Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, though.

4. Describe the perfect way for you to watch a classic movie.
Huddled up in blankets, at night when it is quiet.

5. What is your favorite classic movie decade: the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's?
The 1940s. For some reason I just love that time period.

6. Name a few of your favorite modern movie actors/actresses.
I don't really have any! That's not to say I don't admire a performer for a certain performance, but I just don't have any definitive favorites. (I guess I need to watch more new movies!)

7. Name a few of your favorite modern films.
Emily Blunt

I love period and historical films a lot--North and South, The Young Victoria, Emma,
Life is Beautiful, The Pianist, Bella.

8. What is your favorite movie quote? can be more than one.
I love quotes, so I have a lot of favorites. But here are just a few:
Mr. Blandings (Cary Grant): "Nothing, Mary. Just a private joke between me and whoever my analyst is going to be." -Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
Tony Kirby (James Stewart): "[…]It takes courage, you know. Everybody's afraid to live."
You Can't Take It with You


Alice (Jean Arthur): "You ought to hear Grandpa on that subject. You know he says most people nowadays are run by fear. Fear of what they eat, fear of what they drink, fear of their jobs, their future, fear of their health. They're scared to save money, and they're scared to spend it. You know what his pet aversion is? The people who commercialize on fear, you know they scare you to death so they can sell you something you don't need." (You Can’t Take It With You).
Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum): Nothing in the world is any good unless you can share it. --Out of the Past

9. What is your favorite classic movie series?

I haven't seen them all, but so far I'd say the films that Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn did together. I also love a lot of the Ginger/Fred musicals.
10. What is your favorite movie genre?
Depends on my mood…probably comedy, though I do love a good drama. :)

11. What stars, besides your favorites would you have loved to met in person?
Mildred Pierce


Eve Arden, Gene Tierney, Linda Darnell, Grace Kelly, Cary Grant, and Irene Dunne come to mind. I'd be pretty happy to meet ANY old Hollywood star, though. :D
12. And finally, if you could be one movie character, who would it be and why?

Wow, that's hard! I guess I'll go with Judy Garland's character in Meet Me in St. Louis. If their biggest problem is the potential of moving, I think I could deal with that. :)

Thank you for allowing me to be your guest this month, Monty! It was a lot of fun. I enjoy following your blog and am looking forward to the upcoming classic actor competition you are hosting. I thought the March Madness one you did for the actresses was a lot of fun. Keep up the great work! :)

Thanks Audrey for stopping by and I loved your answers.


  1. This was fun reading, Audrey. I have to agree with you on the 40's. I totally love the 1940's, so that is my favorite decade of film...though I really love the late 30's and early 50's too.

    A couple of your favorites are also mine...Random Harvest, Sound of Music, and The Best Years of Our Lives. And Judgment at Nuremberg...the acting in that movie is totally incredible. Stellar performances by all.

    Thanks for sharing, Audrey.

  2. Marvellous! Most of your answers could have been mine.. ;")

    Thank you very, very much for the Olivia de Havilland pictures!! She is great.

  3. That was fun :) Incidentally, I just watched The Young Victoria last night. Good movie! I think I love the 1940s the most, too. Was such a good decade of film. And what great quotes you had there! Loved reading them :)

  4. Thank you for having me, Monty! I love the photos you chose, especially that first one of Olivia. :)

    And thanks for the nice comments, guys. :)

  5. It is nice to learn more about you Audrey. We have very similar taste in classic films.
