Monday, May 16, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor's Unlucky Loves: Husband #1 (Nicky Hilton)

I've been reading a fascinating magazine about the life of Elizabeth Taylor. And let me be frank when I say, most of her husbands were real scumbags. I mean scum of the earth. Let's take Conrad Nicholas "Nicky" Hilton first. He was heir to the Hilton Hotel fortune. Liz was 18 when they married and MGM spared no expense for their lavish wedding. But Nicky turned out to be a gambler, bully, and a drunk. On their wedding night, he spent most of it at the bar. Are you kidding me? You just married one of the most beautiful women in the world and you would rather hang out at the bar. Later on in the month, they embarked on a three-month European honeymoon aboard the Queen Mary. But when Nicky lost $100,000 in the ship's casino, he took it out on Liz. He slammed her her against the bulkhead. Upon returning to the states, the pair would separate and get back together several times. They would reach the breaking point when Nicky kicked Liz in the stomach causing her to have a miscarriage. They would formally separate on December 1, 1950. Less than 7 months after they married. Liz's first marriage would prove to echo her later ones as well. I will detail her other 6 marriages over the coming weeks. It's tragic that she would be involved with so many terrible men.


  1. I agree that it's tragic she would wed so many horrible men. Sometimes, women just draw bad men like a magnet. Maybe it's our maternal instinct that makes us think we can change them and make them loving and caring.

    I don't know much about Liz's marriages, but wasn't the one (don't know his name) that died in a plane crash a pretty good guy?

    Interesting idea for a blog post, Monty. Then again, you are always doing something extremely interesting here. I really love your blog.

  2. Monty, I just wanted to drop by and say "hi". I'm so Sorry that I have not been around.. As you know I'm having family issues with my husbands parents. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have time to come back and enjoy the blogs again. I have not watched TCM in over two weeks. :(

    I did however add TCM's DVD Jean Harlow movie collection to my own DVD movie collection. :)


  3. This was a clever idea Monty! Can't wait for the husband #2 post. Next you could do a series on Mickey Rooney's wives!

  4. OMG! He kicked her in the stomach while she was pregnant? That is despicable. What a horrible man. I second the idea on a Rooney's wives post! :D

  5. That's really awful how he treated her. It just makes me so sad when I hear about stories like that.

    Patti, I think you're thinking of Mike Todd. I don't know the specifics, but I think that they had a fairly okay--if not perfect--relationship.

  6. Elizabeth Taylor, always seemed like a very nice person. I'm sorry to hear that she had to put up with such a creep.

  7. Oh, I've read plenty on Nicky Hilton and his unfortunate marriage to Liz Taylor. I feel very bad for what she had to go through with this dirtbag... I really dislike him a lot. I think he was awful.

  8. Poor thing - running away from her mother into an awful marriage..

    Your comment on his behaviour on their wedding night made me laugh - if I was at Nicky Hilton's place I surely wouldn't have spent the night with alcohol - and no Liz. Crazy. On the other hand: When you see what later happened - maybe this was her most happy night in this marriage..

    Love the idea of a series like this.
