Sunday, May 22, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor's Unlucky Loves: Husband #3 (Mike Todd)

The continuing saga that is Liz Taylor's carousel of husbands continues with her third, producer Mike Todd. Todd actually courted Liz, while she was still married to husband #2 Michael Wilding. And he did it very publicly, as he did not hide his feelings at all. While filming Raintree County in Mississippi, Todd would fly Liz to be with him in New York every weekend and call her constantly while she was filming. He bought her luxurious gifts that was topped off with a $200,000 engagement ring. Liz was beside herself and told her friend Montgomery Clift that she always yearned for a strong man to look after her and buy her lots of jewelry and pay my bills. Something that current husband Michael Wilding could no longer afford to do. By the time Liz was two months pregnant with Todd's child, they had to move fast to get married. So Todd paid off Wilding $200,000 to step aside and divorce Liz. Liz also threw their home in Benedict Canyon as a parting gift. Once Wilding was out of the picture, Liz and Mike married in Acapulco, New Mexico. Their marriage was both stormy and always in the news. Todd was notorious for making explicit tape recordings of their love making. And sometimes things got violent. Eddie Fisher stated he saw Todd smack Liz around several times on different occasions. They did manage to produce one child during their marriage..daughter Liza. But tragedy would strike 6 months after the birth of Liza as Todd was flying from California to New York when his plane hit a storm over New Mexico and crashed. Liz was utterly devastated and was quoted as saying "Nobody will ever know how much I loved him". Their marriage lasted just a little over a year and was yet another tragic ending for the love life of Liz.


  1. Love it! Keep them coming, 5 more to go, well four unless you are going to double up on Richard...:)

  2. I always thought it was so sad about his dying in the accident, and she almost went on that plane with him <3

  3. GEE WHIZ! The woman has the worst luck in the world when it comes to men, lol! Poor thing.
