Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor's Unlucky Loves: Husband #5 (Richard Burton)

And now comes the legendary union between Liz and Richard Burton, who she described as the greatest love of them all. Their romance and relationship is known by every man, woman and child. It was passionate one minute, then volatile the next. It was an epic relationship that has no peers. They met in 1962 on the set of Cleopatra and sparks flew immediately. It didn't matter that Liz was currently married to Eddie Fisher and Dick was married to his then wife, Sybil. Schematics. The couple's on-set affair became the affair of the century. After a year of this very public affair, both Liz and Dick got divorced from their spouses and within 2 weeks, were married. But it was anything but a rosy marriage. Between their drinking and his jealousy, things were always heated and explosive. The fact that their troubles spilled over into the news only fueled the fire. When they made the excellent film Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966), which Liz picked up another Best Actress Oscar for, people wondered where did the movie end and their real life begin. Because the arguments they had on screen were very explosive and dramatic. Surprisingly their marriage was Liz's longest at 10 years. It may not have been pretty but these two stuck it out, far longer than anyone dreamed they would have. And remember after their divorce, they would try it again.


  1. Cute pic of those two :)

  2. Aha, and now comes Liz's most interesting marriage...or marriages, should I say? I love reading about their relationship. So turbulent and passionate... it's fascinating, haha.
