Saturday, July 30, 2011


The summer will be winding down but I hope to keep things popping here on All Good Things. My classic movie goddess of the month will be Esther Williams, the acquatic marvel of so many musicals and comedies. Expect pics, videos, and reviews of everything Esther. My guest of the month will be Katherine Theresa, a friend of mine from Facebook, who just loves Audrey Hepburn to the nth degree. She will be talking about all her favorite movies and stars. My posts on the 60's that I started in July will continue on with spotlights on comedies, scif-fi, horror and dramas. Sadly to say there will be no tournament this month, but I may do one more before the year is out. If I have enough time. But for now expect the usual goodies and excitement that you guys have come to expect here on my blog.

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