Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Top 4 Seeds for The Favorite Classic Musical Film Tournament are set..

I have the top 4 seeds set for Dawn's Favorite Classic Musical Film Tournament over on her blog Singin and Dancing Back In Time. Here's the link:
Singin and Dancing Back In Time

The event kicks off Monday August 29th as I will be setting up the matches like I did for the tournaments here on All Good Things. Should be quite the tournament. Please stop by Dawn's blog to follow each and every week.

1 comment:

  1. Monty, I'm thrilled that you and Dawn are doing musicals, a real love of mine. Boy, this is going to be a hard one! I may have to pull out all of my musicals and watch them again to decide. It will be a real sacrifice, but I'll manage it. LOL!
