Thursday, September 15, 2011

Be My Guest - Janine: Question # 8 - What are some of your favorite movie quotes?

Monty: Back again with another question for Janine. What are some of your favorite movie quotes?

"Wishes are the dreams we dream when we're awake." (Love Affair)

"The things we like best are either illegal, immoral or fattening." (Love Affair)

"Life must be bright. We should keep it beautiful and bubbling like pink champagne." (Love Affair)

"After all, tomorrow is another day." (Gone with the wind)
 "Look at that rain!" "Why? Is it doing anything besides falling?" (The Awful Truth)

"We're here on a visit. I'm in oil, you know." "Marinated, so to speak." (The Awful Truth)

"Unfortunately I learned to speak English correctly." "That won't be of much use to you here - we all speak Pig Latin." (Stage Door)

"Come on, let's get something to eat. I'm thirsty." (After the Thin Man)

Monty: Some choice quotes Janine.


  1. Wow, so many quotes from Irene Dunne movies? I'm so surprised! :O lol. But anyway, I've always loved the pink champagne quote and of course, any quote from After the Thin Man is hilarious! :D
