Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Fred and Ginger vs Fred and Ginger for the first spot in the Final Four of the Favorite Classic Musical Film Tournament

It has come down to this...Fred and Ginger will be battling Fred and Ginger for the first spot in the final four of The Classic Musical Film Tournament. 3rd seed TOP HAT held off 2nd seed 42nd STREET 6-4 while 5th seed SWING TIME (my favorite of the duo's films) easily beat 8th seed FLYING DOWN TO RIO 10-1. I wonder who was the lone person that voted for Rio. Regardless, the final match is now set as Top Hat will take on Swing Time. Poll is open now and will run thru Thursday night 8 pm EST. Follow the link to Dawn's page to vote: Top Hat vs Swing Time

3 TOP HAT (1935)
Ginger and Fred


Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire

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