Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's that means a trip back to the 60's

Thanks to everyone who voted on my recent poll.  I asked the question what day would work best for all things 60's and the choice was Saturday. So each and every Saturday I will post nothing but all things related to the 60's. Well at least try to. So many other things are going on with my blog such as godddess of the month, the fall series, etc..I will try to link all those together if possible. Since I'm getting a late start, I just wanted to post these snazzy film posters from the 60's as a starting point. And next Saturday will be an all day affair with the 60's.

The sexiest astronaut ever!

What a wonderful film title...

Doris Day fashion parade in this film

Catherine of the top stars of the 60's without a doubt

Leave it to James Bond to require 8 girls to give him a bath...

Unflinching and raw!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Completely agree about BARBARELLA - I think I never will grow tired of the beginning sequence..

    The only film I don't know from this is A TASTE OF HONEY - but I love Rita Tushingham - so maybe I should put it on my list..

    Love that BOND poster.. actually I think there is a 9th girl missing - and she should be German.. ...

    Very avid to read more of this series - and your thoughts about the 60s films, Monty!
