Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shirley Jones in THE MUSIC MAN (1962)

Shirley gives one of her grandest performances ever as librarian Marion Paroo who matches wits with the fast talking traveling salesman Harold Hill (top notch performance by Robert Preston) as he lands in her town of River City. Of course Hill tries to sweet talk all the townfolk especially Marion. The Music Man is one of my favorite musical films of all time and gets two wonderful performances from Preston and Jones. In fact Shirley matches Preston tit for tat. She is beautiful to look at and more than holds her own in the various entertaining musical numbers.

Film: B+
Shirley's Performance: B+


  1. suddenly I remember.. seems like I know that one.. the librarian thing.. hm...

  2. Aww,I love this post... thanks, Monty. I really love this movie, too... it's really wonderful.
