Monday, October 17, 2011

Birthday Girl Rita Hayworth helps All Good Things celebrate 1000 posts!

The lovely Rita helps me celebrate my 1,000 post here on All Good Things.
I want to thank all my readers who stop by to check out my posts and leave such great comments.
I can't believe 1,000 has already happened. Here's to the next thousand.


  1. Congratulations on 1,000 posts, Monty. You have one very fantastic, wonderful blog!!

    I've missed stopping by more regularly, but with my fruit harvest in full force, I just haven't had much blogging time. I finally got all the apples and late-harvest peaches taken care of, so tomorrow begins the prune-plums...then I can relax.

    Anyhow, great job on making an interesting blog for 1,000 posts.

  2. Wow! Congratulations on 1000 posts, Monty! That's awesome!!

  3. Congratulations on a thousand posts -- that takes real dedication.

    Not to mention they were fun, too!
