Sunday, October 16, 2011

Classic Horror Films: Day 16 (FREAKS - 1932)

Has anyone ever laughed at you? Made fun of you? Because you were too tall/ too small/ too fat/ too skinny/ too whatsoever?

If you answered this with “No.” : congratulations! You’re Mary Poppins. (As you know: “Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way.” ... In that case: I am not so sure whether I like you or not. ..)

If you answered the questions above with “Yes.” : don’t worry – you’re one of us. - “One of us. One of us..

Maybe this is why I can relate that much to the film I am presenting today – and which I ask you to watch whether you were or weren’t laughed at - and especially if you get your kicks out of hurting other people’s feelings:

Freaks (1932)

During the early 1930’s in a side show circus: Cleopatra (Olga Baclanova), the beautiful trapeze artists, called “Peacock of the air”, finds out that her small fellow artist Hans (Harry Earles) is about to inherit a great amount of money – so she takes advantage out of his soft spot for her and makes him marry her. Now she tries to intoxicate him slowly – but the other “freaks” notice that and they will take care of their friend..

Amazing film – and though I hate those “oh, you MUST see this or that”-stuff: I highly recommend this film to all of you!


  1. Very good choice! This movie is disturbing but also shows there is justice.

  2. Ach! The ending is so scary! Such a good, ahead-of-it's-time film too.
