Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Classic Horror Films: Day 25 (DIE! DIE! MY DARLING! - 1965)

Stefanie Powers is Pat, a young woman who recently lost her fiance and goes to meet her fiance's mother, Mrs. Trefoile (played by the great Tallulah Bankhead). Once Pat is there she realizes Mrs. Trefoile blames her for her son's death and plans to exact revenge with psychological torture. A wicked and campy thriller with Bankhead giving one of her last great performances. It will remind you of Bette Davis and her latter day horror film roles of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. Bankhead goes all out and doesn't hold anything back. In fact she is so over the top and good, she kind of drowns out Powers who in any other film would be good. But here she has to take a back seat to Ms. Bankhead. One of the better thrillers from the 60's. Oh and check out Donald Sutherland in an early role.

No trailer but a good scene showing Mrs. Trefoile doing her thing....

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