Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Message from Joan to Bette....

Recently I had a match play pitting rivals Bette Davis against Joan Crawford, in which Bette won quite convincingly. And I'm sure most everyone knows I recently started a series called the Monties, where I choose my favorite films and performances of each year. Basically my version of the Oscars. At the time of the match Joan and Bette each had one Montie. Well I went back and did the year 1932 after having finally seen enough films to warrant some selections. And Joan picked up another Montie for Best Supporting actress in Grand Hotel. So she had a message for her fans, me and of course Bette.....Take it away Joan...
Joan: Just wanted to thank you Monty for choosing me and my performance in Grand Hotel. I can't believe it. And to all my fans I must say receiving a Montie is quite cool. And to my "dear" friend Bette, it appears old girl that I have more Monties than you now. My two statutes sitting on my shelf keeping me company.

Ouch! And so the rivarly continues....

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