Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Favorite Things About Irene Dunne (Classic Movie Goddess Of The Month)

These are some of my favorite things I love about Irene Dunne, my classic movie goddess of the month.

1. Her gifts as a great screwball comedienne was always on full display.

2. Her on screen pairings with Cary Grant make them my favorite classic screen couple.

3. She had a pretty good singing voice as well.

4. Stunningly beautiful.

5. Witty

6. Made some of the best facial expressions. See pic below.

7. Oh and she is All Good Things favorite classic movie actress, winning the inaugural Favorite Classic Movie Actress Tourney in 2011. And she ranks personally in my top 5 favorite actresses of all time! 

8. And she always wore the most fabulous clothes, especially in her films of the 30's.


  1. Hi Monty - we are on the same wave length this week! Irene was of the angels.

  2. Don't you just love her explanation in "Life with Father" as to why the suit won't cost her husband any money? She's a scream!!

    My favorite Irene film is "Penny Serenade." I also really love her in "Magnificent Obsession." Of course, I'm a drama gal, as opposed to a comedy one, so that's why I lean to those films.

  3. i feel like i have seen so many Irene Dunne films and then i find more and realize i haven't seen a lot of her films!!! Irene Dunne is amazing and one of the best actresses ever she could do comedy and drama to perfection. i love it when she gets attention! perfect choice for Classic Movie Goddess of the Month

  4. Irene Dunne, is another great actress. Loved the pictures.
