Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rear Window rolls to an easy win to grab a spot in the final four

No need to be worried Thelma and Jimmy...Rear Window rolled big time

As expected Rear Window crushed The Man Who Knew Too Much 28-2 in the 50's era of favorite Hitchcock film to advance to the final four. It joins 30's era winner The Lady Vanishes and 40's era winner, Rebecca. I thought Rear Window would win this era but I thought it would have to beat Vertigo. Instead The Man Who Knew Too Much ended up bouncing Vertigo to face Rear Window. Now we must wait on the 60's bracket to see who will claim the last spot. If I was a betting man, I would have to go with Psycho. But we'll see. Anyway congratulations to Rear Window.


  1. This is getting comical...guess who was one of the 2 votes for The Man Who Knew Too Much? Yes, it was I, your very "out of step" reader.
