Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Be My Guest - Clara (Part 3)

Here we go with the final questions for my guest this month, Clara. I was glad she accepted my invite to come over to my blog and I hope everyone enjoyed having her here. On to the questions. And be sure to stop by Clara's wonderful blog at: Via Margutta 51

Monty: What is your favorite classic movie series?
Clara: "The thin man" by far.
Monty: That would be mine as is several of my guests who have come on here.

Monty: What is your favorite movie genre?
Clara: "Romance" I guess :)

 Monty: Ahhhh...sweet love.

Monty: What classic stars would you have love to met in person?
Clara: Besides all the people I named in the first question, I'd love to meet David Niven, Lucille Ball and William Powell. 

Monty: Good choices Clara

 Monty: And finally, what is your favorite movie character? the one you can identify with the most?
Clara: Difficult question. I can barely identify with them, most of them are too damn cool, even if their circumstances are rough. I guess that's why I don't tend to identify with the characters I like, I tend to wish I was more like them. Examples: I'd like to have Hildy Johnson's personality, Nora Charles' humor, Mary Kate Danaher's will, "Ellie" Andrews fun sexiness, Regi Allen's commitment with her work, "I remember Mama"'s Mama ability to face problems, Melanie Wilkes' kindness, etc. 
So that's it. Thanks again for having me, Monty!
Monty: Great answer Clara and once again thanks for doing this. See ya in blogland.

And everyone please come back in January when my guest will be none other than Emily of The Silver Screen Affair.


  1. It was a lot of fun getting to know Clara better.

  2. Thank you, Clara, for doing the interview. It was nice getting to know you a bit.

  3. Thanks Dawn & Patti!! And, again, thanks for having me Monty, :)
