Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Essential Films of Lauren Bacall

As this month winds down, now is the time where I list my favorite films of the classic movie goddess of the month. Miss Lauren Bacall. Now I haven't seen all of her films, so this list is not complete. But to me, these are the ones that show Miss Bacall at her best. Her essential films, if you will. In no particular order.

TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT (1944) Lauren's debut film is off the charts. Her character Marie 'Slim' Browning is perfection. And her onscreen chemistry with regular co-star and future husband Humphrey Bogart is a sight to behold.

Film: B+
Performance: A

THE BIG SLEEP (1946) Another crackling pairing between Bacall and Bogart with Lauren once again giving a crisp and crackerjack performance. By now, the timing between her and Bogie is an afterthought. Something they could do in their sleep.

Film: A+
Performance: A

DARK PASSAGE (1947) Maybe I should rename this The Essential films of Bacall and Bogart. Their third pairing is a little different from the first two films they did. It plays up the romantic angle of the pair a bit more. But it's still cinema magic.

Film: B
Performance: B

KEY LARGO (1948) The fourth film that teams Bogie and Bacall is more of an ensemble effort with co-stars like Edward G. Robinson and Claire Trevor on hand. But make no mistake, Bacall and Bogart represent well here in this nifty little gem as Robinson is a gangster who holes up in a Florida hotel, holding hostages, Bogie and Bacall among them. This is almost a turnabout for Bogie who played the gangster in The Petrified Forest.

Film: B
Performance: B

HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE (1953)  A colorful and splashy comedy musical which pairs Lauren with Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable. They play gold diggers on the prowl in Manhattan. Lauren is the more cynical one until she finally falls in love. A nice change of pace for her after so many film noirs and dramas.

Film: B
Performance: B+

WRITTEN ON THE WIND (1956) A top notch melodrama that does not let Lauren really shine. That honor goes to Dorothy Malone as the wild woman Marylee who lusts after Rock Hudson. Still Wind is a great film on Lauren's resume.

Film: B
Performance: B-

 My love of classic movies is beyond measure


1 comment:

  1. To my shame, I've only seen How To Marry a Millionaire - and that was fairly recently! However, I loved it and Lauren was funny and smart.
