Monday, February 27, 2012

All Good Things welcomes Teresa Wright

Just a little welcome for the soon to be classic movie goddess of the month, Teresa Wright. One of the best actresses to ever grace the silver screen. I had hoped to have her on last year but I had to push her back a few months. And I promise her and all my readers I will not short change her one bit, what with this little thing of a tournament going on. I will post pics, reviews, trivia and the usual assorted goodies. And judging by the pics below, I am not the only one welcoming Teresa to All Good Things. So sit back and relax everyone as the month of March belongs to Teresa.

Awww Gary, you didn't have to come by to see me! But I'm glad you did!

And then after your visit here Teresa, me and you can go out shopping.
And a spot of tea. Won't that be nice?

1 comment:

  1. Monty, Teresa Wright has always been a real favorite to me ... I sure look forward to your posts!
