Monday, February 20, 2012

Joan Who?...a funny little story

Sorry Joan...but no love today from some non fans

So today at work I asked some friends and co-workers out of two classic film stars, which one do they know. I randomly chose Joan Bennett and Joan Crawford, figuring even non-classic fans know who Crawford is. I only got to ask two people before I got bombarded with work. The two people I did ask make for a short funny story and I figured I would share. So the woman calls me up needing some information from me, which I didn't know right then. Had to look it up and then call  her back. Then I asked her out of the blue..Joan Bennett or Joan Crawford? She was like, excuse me. And I said again Joan Bennett or Joan Crawford? do you know them? She replied what department do they work in? Who do they work for? I was like are you serious? I had to explain they were not employees but classic film stars.

She was like...Monty, how old do you think I am? But I was for sure she would know Crawford. I was stunned and said never heard of Joan Crawford? She said no again. And then I said, well how about Bette Davis? You must have heard of Bette. And she said I think so. But then she yelled over to her co-worker..and asked had he heard of Joan Crawford. I heard his answer in the background..he said..."Yeah, she was an old actress..from Dynasty, right..Alexis somebody.". I was like dude that was Joan Collins, not Joan Crawford. I was flabbergasted.

According to one co-worker, this is Joan Crawford

The woman then said..Monty, you can ask me about Brad Pitt, George Clooney, The Rock..I know all those guys..very well. Do you? I said Of course I know modern people, but can't believe you guys. She had a good laugh about it though. I said I was glad to make her day I guess. Just another little story to share and show that we classic film lovers are a rare breed.

But they knew Bette, she stuck it to Joan again!


  1. I was thinking about what you wrote -- here's a sobering thought: This Spring's class of high school graduates were born the same year Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption hit theaters for the first time.

    You and I think of those as recent movies. For kids, they are ancient history.

  2. WOW! When I ask my students if they know certain actors and actresses of the classic era, I know they may not know these people. But adults? On the up side, at least several of my seniors were planning to watch "Gone With the Wind" on TCM on Friday night! So maybe I should try the Crawford question on them!

  3. This is very sad, but I have to admit I got a great chuckle out of the response, "What department are they in?"

    I encounter this all the time. Oh, people DO know the name Cary Grant, but that is about it.

    But last night I was watching The Worst Cooks in America on Food Network. A gal was assigned Swedish meatballs, and she said she had never been to Sweden, but she knew it was in Switzerland! Another gal was assigned Lebanon, and she said she had no idea where Lebanon was!

    So, it's not just the classic movie stars that are getting lost...the countries of the world are too.

  4. And yet I knew who these actresses were when I was 12 tears old! Age may have something to do with it, but I think it's mostly that we've all stumbled onto the classics, for whatever reason, and happened to like them. We're happy accidents.
