Saturday, February 4, 2012

A New Blog Everyone Should be following...

My friend over at The Golden Age of Hollywood has this wonderful blog called Une Cinephile. Her name is Christina. In her own words, she describes herself and her blog: I am une cinephile to every inch of the word. Ever since I was little I have always had a great love of movies. I started this blog to share my love for movies and what I have learned about them along the way. Classic movies are a passion of mine, what they can teach us today about the times they were made in amazes me.I find classic movies to be made with such care and quality that is highly missing today. I do love current movies, there will be talk of some on here. For the movie lover in all of us out there, I hope you enjoy this blog. She started her blog back in September 2010 and I'm a little late to the party as well. But I have been reading her blog of late and must say I enjoy it quite a bit. Please stop by to check it out. Here is the link: unecinephile

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness Monty thank you so much!!! love the write up!!
