Sunday, April 8, 2012

THE MONTIES are coming back....

Just a quick post letting everyone know that I am close to wrapping up my latest Monties post. Should have it done and posted within a few days. For those who are new to my blog, the Monties are my version of the Oscars. The films I think are best in show for that particular year. The year I am working on now is 1945 and why it's taking me so long is that I hadn't seen quite a few of the nominees. And it is a particularly great year for actresses. I have a record 9 nominees vying for a Montie. I hope they will be civilized and not resort to cat fighting and bad mouthing each other in the press. But we'll see. Like I said expect the Monties post before the end of the week.
I hope my latest Monties can go off without a hitch...but with so many women vying for one, 
it might turn ugly real fast...

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